Helping NGL Media get more done
For Play NGL Media, we built a custom ad platform that simplified the company’s workflow and brought a number of previously outsourced processes in house. Play NGL Media transcodes videos, creates embeddable video players that can be shared across the web, and provides detailed reporting on the whole kit and caboodle — all from one tidy interface that’s simple enough to be run by a single employee.

When your code is served more than a million times a day, every KB can cost you big bucks. So we built a completely bespoke JavaScript player that can parse VAST and VPAID tags, work directly with publishers or get passed through DSPs, and display in four different configurations without needing external libraries or extensions — all for less than 30KB.

When you have a ton of data to manage and few hands to manage it, you need your technology to do the work for you — and you need it to be reliable. Play NGL Media has not required any major updates in more than five years. At more than 1,000,000 impressions a day, that is reliable.